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Since the launch of the Secretary-General's 2021 Guidance Note on Behavioural Science (BeSci), interest and initiatives in the area have expanded across the UN. BeSci has become part of the "Quintet of Change" for UN 2.0, highlighting its importance for the organisation's future.


These efforts are led by the UN Behavioural Science Group, an initiative of the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General and UN Innovation Network. The Group connects over 6,000 members from the UN and beyond, spanning 70+ UN Entities and 150+ countries, fostering collaboration among UN Entities, academia, and Member States.

BeSci at the UN

Behavioural science offers an evidence-based understanding of human decision-making and behaviour, enabling more effective design of programmes, policies, and interventions. However, much of these efforts have been concentrated in the Global North.

 BeSci for Shaping #OurCommonFuture 

Is there a better way to shape our world? And how can we achieve a fairer future, in the face of so much global upheaval and conflict?

BeSci at the SoF

This Summit of the Future Action Days side event aims to explore the untapped potential of behavioural science in the Global South, addressing the current imbalance and showcasing successful applications in developing countries.

By focusing on the Global South, this event aims to broaden behavioural science's impact in international development. Expected outcomes include scaling strategies, strengthened cooperation networks, and actionable insights for UN initiatives.

Scaling Behavioural Science

in the Global South:

Innovations, Challenges

and Opportunities

Summit of the Future

Action Days

Virtual Event

 September 20, 2024 

 9 AM ET/3 PM CET 

Who can attend?

This event is free of charge and open to all. Events organised by the UN Behavioural Science Group have in the past attracted attendance and attention from thousands of UN colleagues as well as representatives from governments, academia, civil society, NGOs and the private sector. 

Thematic areas include:







Opening Remarks

Esther Dweck

Brazil Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services


Desmond Duametu

Government of Ghana

Catherine MacLeod


Ukasha Ramli


Anisha Singh

PhD Candidate LSE,

Previous Vice-President Busara

Khurshid Zafari

Government of Uzbekistan

Creating a moment of change:

Panellists will discuss strategies for scaling up behavioural science in developing countries, strengthening global cooperation, and supporting the UN's role in advancing science and innovation.

 BeSci for Shaping #OurCommonFuture 
Beyond SoF

Join the UN Behavioural Science Group—where UN colleagues and global experts collaborate to solve challenges more effectively and innovatively. Bring your insights from academia, government, civil society, and beyond.


Together, let's create solutions that make a difference.

We are seeking individuals who have made impactful contributions through their work or research in behavioural science as it relates to the Sustainable Development Goals and the mandates of the UN.

We especially invite contributors working in the Global South to join the Directory and expand their efforts with the help of the UN.

UN Behavioural Science Group Collaborating UN Entities

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